The prime product formula
Intuition behind the Euler product formula for the Riemann zeta function
Intuition behind the Euler product formula for the Riemann zeta function
Various formulae relating to pi that I come across.
Visualising some interesting strange attractors
Talking about one of my favourtite Neovim plugins
Setting up grammar checking with Neovim’s native LSP client and grammar-guard
Deriving a relation between the gamma function and the Riemann zeta function.
Deriving an expression for the thermal neutron flux in an infinite slab reactor
Deriving an expression for the temperature profile for a symmetric, finite rod geometry.
Solving the neutron diffusion equation.
An application of the Bessel function in nuclear reactor theory — derivation of the diffusion equation.
Deriving an expression for the concentration profile for semi-transient diffusion through a semi-infinite geometry.
Deriving expressions to model the relation between photosynthetic rate and light intensity in microalgae.
A formula for pi derived from the error function.
Deriving an expression for the Riemann zeta function at even values
Demonstrating the concept of taking the factorial of non-integer values